Cloud Computing - 初识3 storage
- Cloud storage foundations
- A repository for digital info on one or more server in one or more locations
- cost: ongoing OpEx; a rental, 所以可以本队+cloud这种hybrid方式
- eg1:
- eg2:
- Cloud storage options
- storage object overview
- object 的大小对于cloud storage 是个问题,多数services可以处理5GB大小,更大的object需要split into multiple parts
- containers/buckets, 有唯一的ID, 用于存储object
- 可以通过API对这些object 增删改查
- manage db content
- its sibling object storage
- NoSql and RDBMS
- object data availability
- control data access, ACLs定义在xml or json文件中
- acess API
- SDKs from vendors official web
- storage object overview
- Data storage issues
- security
- transfer to and from storage host
- client-side encryption, token
- store at remote facility
- server-side encryption
- set container policy
- transfer to and from storage host
- encryption
- SLA: tool for reducing downtime
- delivery
- scalable
- replication, everything is same
- durability
- different regions
- latency
- the amount of time it takes one packet of data to travle from one location to another
- the faster the more expensive
- security
- Data storage vendors
- google
- cloud storage, with unlimited capacity and worldwide data centers
- based on buckets and objects, a bucket contains one or more objects
- access to buckets by API
- MySQL, NoSQL(bigtable: wich can handle enormous data from terabytes to petabytes with single digit millisecond lateny)
- HBase API
- aws
- S3: simple storage service
- standard storage: highest durability
- reduced redundancy storage: low cost for non-critical data
- amazon glacier: archive and DR
- amzaon RDS
- DynamoDB(NoSQL)
- google