Cloud Computing - 初识6 Google Compute Engine
- Introduction to GCE
- Exploring GCE
- Integrating User Authentication (OAuth 2.0)
- Developing with JS and GCE
- Working with Python and GCE
- Managing Resources with GCE
Google Cloud Compute Engine is designed to run large scale computing workloads efficiently,quickly and consitently.
Introduction to GCE
- IaaS
- Primary components:
- VM
- handle computing tasks as need
- uses other resources:Disk, Network and Image
- all resources are on a given plane: global, regional or zone
- OAuth 2.0
- Compute Engine console
- CMD line interface
- Network
- gloval infra
- static and ephemeral IP
- each vm isolated from the other
- firewalls
- Persisitent Disks
- handle data storage for connects
- all dta written to disk automatically encrypted
- automatic replication and backup
- VM
- Google Coud UI -> Create project -> APIs -> Compute Engine
Exploring GCE
- Setup the Google Cloud SDK
- Create a Compute Engine instance
- Compute -> VM instance (image, disk, firewell, ip)
- Accessing your project remotely
- gcloud auth login
- gcloud config set project {projectID}
- gcloud config list
- set SSH key
- Compute -> VM instance -> view gcloud cmd/ user another SSH client / open in browser window
- Setup a cloud-based web server
- open in browser window (login into the vm)
- apt-get update (image update)
- apt-get install apache2
- UI, external IP, click it
Integrating User Authentication (OAuth 2.0)
- AuthvRequest from GCE
- workflow:
- get credentials (project ID) from console
- get token from Google Authorizaton Server
- send token to API via HTTP header
- refresh token as need
- workflow:
- Authentication Request to GCE
- Client ID and Client secret, sope
- Steps:
- UI -> APIs & auth -> Credentials -> OAuth -> Web application -> Consent screen -> input vm IP: -> Generate client ID
- public API access -> Generate key -> input -> get SSH key
- gcloud auth login
- gcloud compute instances describe {project name} – format json
- get devstorage.read_only in response
- UI -> APIs & auth -> Credentials -> OAuth -> Service account -> get sshkey file download
Developing with JS and GCE
- Steps:
- login vm by click “open in browser window”
- sudo chmod 777 /var/www
- go to cmd line
- put html file with JS code
- gcloud compute copy-files xxx.htm {projectName:/var/www} –zone {zoneName}
- visit
- 通过JS code, 可以实现:
- authenticate your app
- display available instances and disks
- create new instances
- remove instances
- insert new disk
- set up an ephemeral IP
Working with Python and GCE
- python 2.7 required
- authorize requests:
- - UI -> APIs & auth -> Credentials -> installed app -> get the “client ID for native application” -> download
- run you python scripts with auth file
- pyhon
- 通过python code, 可以实现:
- display available instances and disk
- insert new disk
- create new vm instance
- …
Managing Resources with GCE
- Build your project team
- add user from UI->Compute engine ->permission
- add git lab as an instane to control code
- Set up an instnace group
- add user from UI->Compute ->Compute engine ->instance group
- based on template
- based on existed intance
- Working with Compute Engine metadata
- metadata instance level
- gcloud config set compute/zone {zone-name}
- gcloud compute instance add-metadata {instance-name} –metadata role=workder unique-ID=xxx
- gcloud cmopute instance describe {instance-name}
- gcloud compute instance remove-metadata {instance-name} –key role
- metadata project level
- gcloud compute project-info add-metadata –metadata startup-id=xxx
- gcloud compute project-info describe
- gcloud compute project-info add-metadata –metadata-from-file
- gcloud compute project-ifo remove-metadata –keys startup-script
- metadata instance level
- Creating disk snapshots
- snapshots are considered global resouces
- steps:
- UI -> compute -> compute engine -> snapshots
- select the disk you want to snapshot
- UI -> compute -> compute engine -> vm
- create new vm instance
- go to Disks and click the new disk, source snapshots
- UI -> compute -> compute engine -> snapshots
- Network LBR
- focus on vm instane within a signle geographic region
- UI -> compute -> compute engine -> network lbr
- decide the region
- forwarding rules: directs traffic to specified target pools
- target rules: a collection of instances, know as an instance group
- health checks
- works with VMs across regions
- UI -> compute -> compute engine -> HTTP lbr
- offer global access to you vm
- content aware: shift to specific servers for specific types of contents (images, data bases, streaming media)
- limitations: restircted to ports 80 and 8080
- incoming trafffic
- global forwarding rules:
- backend services
- content-aware feature, URL-map
- rule for images
- rule for dynamic content
- rule for media server
- …
- offer global access to you vm
- Network LBR